Science & Ideas

Cities are home to considerable scientific capital – they hold most of the world’s top universities and the vast majority of its researchers

Science is a key foundational sphere for the cities of the future. This sphere will explore science, thinking (academia) and how we develop an ethical approach to innovations and solutions.

Who is this sphere for? Anyone working or interested in science and academia and with an interest in new ideas and how to further them.

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Key connectors

SCIENCE-Andy-BowieAndy Bowie is head of immunology at the School of Biochemistry and Immunology, at Trinity College Dublin, where he leads a research group devoted to understanding how our cells detect viruses during an immune response.  He is also a leader in Trinity Church Network.


SCIENCE-Frank-Peters2-e1357473183827Frank Peters is a physics lecturer at the University of Cork and leads the integrated photonics group at the Tyndall National Institute, seeking to ever increase the capabilities of fibre optic communications. Frank is also associated with the International Institute of Christian Studies.